Muammer Akcay, Eyyup Gulbandilar, Demet Bektas
Pages: 308-316
Published: 31 May 2015
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Abstract: Small scale businesses in the livestock sector, inefficiencies, and inability to use technology are faced with problems such as market-oriented production and inability to organize. In this study, for the development of livestock breeds in Turkey had revised the entire value chain, measures and incentives throughout the entire value chain is to help in the regulation. Software systems are established by considering data structure of small scale business by considering software systems of expert systems of data subsets in order to get better livestock sector. In this study, data provided by 90 people is used, 80 of these data for training and 10 of these data for testing were selected. The decision tree had been constructed by using ID3 algorithm with training data set. The software for developed algorithm by considering the decision tree algorithm was developed by using C# programming language. The developed software had been tested on ten samples. It was found correct for eight samples and incorrect for two samples.
Keywords: livestock, meat products, id3 algorithm, entropy, decision tree, c#
Cite this article: Muammer Akcay, Eyyup Gulbandilar, Demet Bektas. EXPERT BUSINESS MODEL DESIGN IN LIVESTOCK. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 308-316 (2015).
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