Andrey Zhuk, Mikhail Vlaskin, Evgeny Shkolnikov, Grayr Ambaryan
Pages: 378-385
Published: 31 May 2015
Views: 2,842
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Abstract: A new technology producing high purity alumina has been developed. Initial reagents for this technology are industrial aluminum micron powder of technical purity (99.8 %) and distilled water. The core of technology is hydrothermal oxidation of aluminum, which is carried out (under about 300 °С and 15 MPa) in special reactor developed for continuous and large-scale production. Conversion degree of aluminum is 100 %. Purity of produced alumina is 99.997 %, i.e. the impurity concentration doesn’t exceed 30 ppm. Produced alumina was successfully used for the production of alumina monocrystal.
Keywords: high-purity alumina, hydrothermal oxidation of aluminum, boehmite, hydrogen, sapphire, nanostructured alumina
Cite this article: Andrey Zhuk, Mikhail Vlaskin, Evgeny Shkolnikov, Grayr Ambaryan. HIGH-PURITY ALUMINA PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY: HYDROTHERMAL OXIDATION OF ALUMINUM AND FOLLOWING THERMAL TREATMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 378-385 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000785/
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