Teodora Tinkova
Pages: 422-429
Published: 31 May 2015
Views: 2,824
Downloads: 1,056
Abstract: The implementation of this study is based on methodology, exploring opportunities for adding of inorganic mineral additives in suspension of β-hemihydrate form obtained from desulfo-gypsum. The main purpose as to study the changes in gypsum slurry behaviour by incorporating three rates (5%, 15% and 25%) of Na-feldspar, dolomite and waste marble powder as substitutions of hemihydrate material. The research framework includes tests based on standards for gypsum based building materials. These incorporates analyzes of physical and chemical properties of the raw materials, examination of prepared gypsum slurries and tests on the set composite samples. All types of mineral additives included at gypsum mixture recipe have different morphological characteristics and physicochemical properties, which impact in diverse ways of prepared gypsum bodies. The results obtained show that the difference in structure, origin and chemical composition of minerals additives determines the behaviour of prepared gypsum slurries and the properties of set gypsum bodies.
Keywords: calcium sulphate, mineral additive, efficiency
Cite this article: Teodora Tinkova. EFFECTS OF ADDITIVES ON GYPSUM SLURRY BEHAVIOUR. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 422-429 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000790/
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