Ragab Absy, Ezzaldin Abusteit, Shaban Shaban
Pages: 425-439
Published: 6 Jul 2015
Views: 2,915
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Abstract: The aim of this work study the effect of weed control treatments in preceding crop rapeseed and weed control treatments on maize and associated weeds. Field experiments were conducted during 2012 and 2013 growing seasons at the Agricultural Research and Experiments Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. The preceding winter crop was canola. After canola harvest, maize experiments were conducted in the same land of canola, three weed control treatments in canola e.g. hoeing, pendimethlin and untreated check and maize experiment includes three wed control treatments e.g. hoeing twice, acetochlor and untreated check and two tillage systems no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT).The herbicide treatments did not superior to hoeing and hoeing with NT treatments were improved yield and yield components in maize, compared with untreated check, acteochlor with CT increased yield, compared to check treatments. The interaction between weed control treatments and tillage systems had significant on fresh weight and number of weeds/m2, as well as, number of grains/ear, weight of grains/ear and grains yield per feddan (feddan=4200 m2) however the highest yield obtained by hoeing in NT and acetochlor in CT, as well as, untreated check treatments in NT improved yield and yield components and weed characters, compared to untreated check treatments in CT.
Keywords: effect, tillage, weed, control, treatments, maize
Cite this article: Ragab Absy, Ezzaldin Abusteit, Shaban Shaban. EFFECT OF TILLAGE AND WEED CONTROL TREATMENTS ON MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L.) AND ASSOCIATED WEEDS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 425-439 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000820/
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