Liubov Nekrasova
Pages: 73-84
Published: 19 Aug 2015
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Abstract: Living in the epoch of advanced media technologies we use to talk about communication with the definition “mass”. Together with that we can’t deny the growth of interest to some personal tools and channels for communication, the need to make it more targeted. In this case we can look at metaphor and at poetry in general like at the source of unique instruments for communication each one will truly believe. Russian “Imaginism” developed at the beginning of the XX century basically by the efforts of Russian poet Sergey Yesenin created the unique style of communication coming from poetry.
Keywords: poetry, communication, civilization, image, metaphor, imaginists, yesenin, toffler
Cite this article: Liubov Nekrasova. METAPHOR AS A TOOL FOR COMMUNICATION: RUSSIAN “IMAGINISM”. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 9, 73-84 (2015).
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