Urszula Ostrowska
Pages: 105-113
Published: 19 Aug 2015
Views: 2,665
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Abstract: With a very rich vocabulary at our disposal today, whose foundations were very carefully laid down by the ancient Greeks, we do not always realize that in the course of the word’s long history thoughts in their development came into existence as a testimony of emergence of a fragment of reality, and the structure of the word often indicates what kind of perspective this fragment of reality was actually, genetically, or in our opinion, as we think based on our knowledge of the modern language, captured from. In the course of history, the role and meaning of the word were perceived from different perspectives, submitting arguments to various interpretations located in successive incarnations of the human thought in its development. Looking at the role and meaning of words through the inexhaustible prism of possibilities, homo loquens allows us to see the looming horizon of peculiarities not found in non-verbal areas of broadly understood human activity and creativity. In fact, it is obvious that words play a major role in human cognitive processes. This will probably remain so, since man's world from the beginning of his intelligent existence up to the end of life is a world of concepts that are learnt and understood according to their meaning, and consequently internalized and exteriorized by the subject, or challenged, and rejected, or their content is sometimes distorted or trivially deformed, or, on the contrary, creatively enriched by the individual. In fact, the phenomenon of the word symbolizes the expression of man's thought and human emotions, as well as the extent and wisdom of the experience somehow "extracted" from the consciousness of the individual, and made accessible to others. In fact, human speech can constitute not only a source of knowledge, truth, wisdom, but it can also manifest an attitude of unfairness, lies, falsehood, lack of good will, deceit, manipulation, even to the point that sometimes it is difficult to subject these manifestations to the decisive anagnorisis.
Keywords: axiological aspects, homo loquens, word, antropospheric universe, languages, values, dialogue
Cite this article: Urszula Ostrowska. AXIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE WORD IN EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 9, 105-113 (2015).
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