Ewa Badzińska
Pages: 391-398
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,644
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Abstract: An intensive development in the field of communication and modern ICT technologies necessitates the acquisition and management of knowledge and the implementation of innovative solutions. The competitiveness of young businesses – start-ups – depends on the quality, timeliness and the completeness of expert knowledge, and above all on the ability of decision makers to apply it effectively in practice. The main goal of this paper is to provide innovative business solutions offered by a Polish company – Glip, the laureate of Poznan Leader of Entrepreneurship 2014 contest, in the category of start-ups.
Keywords: ict technologies, entrepreneurship, start-up, expert knowledge
Cite this article: Ewa Badzińska. INNOVATIVE ICT SOLUTIONS OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED ENTERPRISES – A CASE STUDY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 391-398 (2015).
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