Inna V. Mitrofanova, Aleksandr N. Zhukov, Victoria V. Batmanova, Inna A. Mitrofanova
Pages: 399-410
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,490
Downloads: 455
Abstract: Today it is obvious that the mission of the Olympic megaprojcts "Sochi 2014" has gone far behind the frames of gaining profit from the realization of the games and the creation of a favourable image of Russia in global social and economic space. It also included the growth of global competitive advantages of the Black Sea zone of the South macroregion in such spheres like tourism, hospitability industry, recreation and sports business. Authors of the article tried to study and the other side of the Olympic megaproject "Sochi 2014": problem of the post project use of Olympic objects, some of them will serve as drivers of the economic growth, the others or so called "white elephants" will only generate losses.
Keywords: megaprojects, olympiad, state corporation, economic safety, mountain cluster, coastal cluster, investments, state private partnership, infrastructure,
Cite this article: Inna V. Mitrofanova, Aleksandr N. Zhukov, Victoria V. Batmanova, Inna A. Mitrofanova. “WHITE ELEPHANTS” OLYMPIC PROJECT “SOCHI − 2014”. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 399-410 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000879/
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