Aleksandra Patoska, Branko Dimeski
Pages: 487-493
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,766
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Abstract: The process of globalization and liberalization is further accelerated by the growing expansion of multinational companies in post-communist transition countries. Transition countries improve their technological development, increase the exports and gain better access to global markets. On other hand, global companies maximize their profits by employing cheaper resources, paying lower taxes and using a number of benefits that the transition countries offer to them. The main purpose of the paper is to make an analysis of these global economic movements including Macedonian case.
Keywords: globalization, multi-national companies, transition countries, macedonia
Cite this article: Aleksandra Patoska, Branko Dimeski. MULTI-NATIONAL COMPANIES AND TRANSITION COUNTRIES: A MACEDONIAN EXPERIENCE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 487-493 (2015).
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