Doroteya T. Shtereva, E. Naseva, R. Goranova
Pages: 503-508
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,802
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Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms, major issues and trends in the hospital financing approaches during the recent decade. It is well known that the hospitals are the most expensive component of healthcare costs as their maintenance and functioning exhaust the greatest part of healthcare resources of each country. While the hospitals consume a significant share of the healthcare resources, the healthcare managers search for novel payment strategies guaranteeing the efficient provision of healthcare. The most important instrument for hospital management and modeling of hospital performance is the financing mechanism. Thus, the appropriate, rational choice of financing model in the hospital sector has a strategic effect on the overall national healthcare system.
Keywords: hospital payment mechanisms, healthcare financing model, health services, reforming payment strategies
Cite this article: Doroteya T. Shtereva, E. Naseva, R. Goranova. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF HOSPITAL FINANCING SYSTEMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 503-508 (2015).
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