Adelina Petkova
Pages: 531-542
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,568
Downloads: 486
Abstract: In recent decades in terms of globalization the competitiveness concept in the wine sector becomes more crucial. Economic and political trends, climate change, technology boom and financial liberalization determine the conditions of production and force businesses to articulate more - creative to the environment. As an effective situational organization clusters provoke with the power to reduce transaction costs and increase efficiency in parallel providing competitive advantages for the participants. They are current form and in terms of synergies in cooperation between business, education and government sectors, which contributes to the formation of trust in society. The aim of the study is to identify the main trends in the sector, to define problems and on that basis to reveal the potential for solving them through the cluster form of organization in terms of the common market organization.
Keywords: competitiveness, clusters, wine sector
Cite this article: Adelina Petkova. CLUSTERS AS AN APPROPRIATE WAY TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE WINE SECTOR. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 531-542 (2015).
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