Lidiya Stoykova-Chorbanova, Ralitsa Zlatanova-Velikova, Tihomira Zlatanova
Pages: 637-642
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,858
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Abstract: Maternal and Child Health in Bulgaria is governed by regulations of the Minister of Health under Art. 45 of the Health Insurance Act - Regulation for prophylactic examinations and dispensary and Ordinance for the basic package of health services, which NHIF reimburses. These regulations comply with all modern achievements of medical science, as periodically updated. Subsequently, NHIF pays to contractors - GPs, specialists in pediatrics, gynecologists that are carrying out the direct business through the "Maternal health" and "Child Health" Programs. Regardless of the established organization for healthcare to children and pregnant women, the most important indicators of the country in recent years - prenatal infant mortality, births, post neonatal infant mortality and coverage of pregnant women with supervision until the 3rd lunar month - reveal that there are problems that have a serious impact on the health of those contingents. The article provides an analysis of existing problems and proposes an integrated medical and social approach to overcome them.
Keywords: maternal health, child health problems, medical and social approach
Cite this article: Lidiya Stoykova-Chorbanova, Ralitsa Zlatanova-Velikova, Tihomira Zlatanova. ANALYSIS OF MOTHER AND CHILD HEALTHCARE IN BULGARIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 637-642 (2015).
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