Rumyana T. Yaneva, Tsvetelina M. Petrova-Gotova, Boryana V. Borisova, Alexandrina Ts. Vodenicharova
Pages: 659-666
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,452
Downloads: 431
Abstract: While European governments finance about three-fourths of its expenses for healthcare with public resources, in Bulgaria the portion of private expenses for healthcare is stably high and has had a tendency of increase during the past two centuries. Direct payment of households for certain health services, medicaments, and supplies, occupies significant part of private expenses.
Keywords: direct payment, expenses for healthcare, health services
Cite this article: Rumyana T. Yaneva, Tsvetelina M. Petrova-Gotova, Boryana V. Borisova, Alexandrina Ts. Vodenicharova. DIRECT PAYMENT OF HOUSEHOLDS FOR HEALTHCARE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 659-666 (2015).
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