Petri Peltonen, Helena Mälkki
Pages: 138-149
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,690
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Abstract: Media´s environmental news are important in sharing information and affecting people´s attitudes worldwide, e.g. on the climate change. Today, new forms of mass media including the use of internet enable active learning. However, daily reportages are not systematically utilized in environmental education. The aim of this study was to develop and apply media news as a new teaching method. This pilot method called Media News based Environmental Learning (MNBEL) strategy was implemented in a Master´s Degree Course of Environmental Engineering. MNBEL motivated students to analyze complex environmental news. Results showed that global and local problems were well outlined in students´ essays. As a challenge of MNBEL, multidisciplinary skills of teachers seemed to be necessary to explain possible inaccuracies in media news. This strategy can be implemented as an informative teaching method in environmental engineering education at any university.
Keywords: engineering education, environmental learning, media, reportages
Cite this article: Petri Peltonen, Helena Mälkki. CHALLENGES IN ADAPTING MEDIA BASED ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 138-149 (2015).
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