Jiří Pospíšil, Helena Pospíšilová, Milena Öbrink Hobzová, Petra Sobková
Pages: 168-181
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,899
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Abstract: The paper deals with the future of online education in the Czech Republic. It maps whether people in different social and personal situations are interested in the online form of education, and whether there are some correlations between computer skills, age, education, population of resides on the one side and the attitudes to online learning on the other side.
Keywords: education, online, courses, perspectives, conditions, specific population groups
Cite this article: Jiří Pospíšil, Helena Pospíšilová, Milena Öbrink Hobzová, Petra Sobková. PERSPECTIVES OF ONLINE EDUCATION IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 168-181 (2015).
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