Oleg Glazachev, Maria Mikerova, Ooi Kar Key
Pages: 379-383
Published: 27 Aug 2015
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Abstract: This study was designed to investigate general wellbeing, participation in social, leisure and recreational activities in Moscow to enhance the status and wellbeing of international students and better cater for their needs in the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (the First MSMU). The research included 120 third-year international students studying in the First MSMU. The survey was conducted via a printed questionnaire. The results of the survey were summarized by Dean’s office for international students to optimize the educational environment of the University, for further increase of student’s intercultural communication and their involvement in various kinds of activities. Students are encouraged to participate extensively in international conferences, scientific competitions, sport and cultural events. Enhancing of status and wellbeing of international students require the active participation of students in communication with Russian students, research projects and conferences.
Keywords: foreign students, medical education
Cite this article: Oleg Glazachev, Maria Mikerova, Ooi Kar Key. MEDICAL EDUCATION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS IN RUSSIA: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 379-383 (2015).
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