Rivka Hillel Lavian, Orly Alshech
Pages: 411-418
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,927
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Abstract: To the use of mobile technology in teaching and learning in general and for students with special needs in particular, provides varied options for learning and communication. It is evident that students who use iPads for learning and communication improve in these areas; however the process of implementing the use of iPad in class is still new and raises many questions. This work was written in the framework of a special education school for medium-functioning ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) students in central Israel. The aim of this qualitative research was to describe the process of implementing iPads in a special education school and to examine the perceptions of staff with regard to the iPad as a communication and learning support tool for medium-functioning ASD students.
Keywords: special education, autism, assistive technology, ipad
Cite this article: Rivka Hillel Lavian, Orly Alshech. ASSIMILATING IPADS IN SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOOLS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 411-418 (2015).
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