Margareta Stela Florescu, Alina Valentina Din
Pages: 419-430
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,623
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Abstract: The more and more accelerated scientific and technological progress in advanced economies and the increase in complexity of the uncertainty and non-repetitiveness characteristics of the RDI activities call more and more for the diversification, perfection and refinement of the evaluation methods for the efficiency and effectiveness of the RDI activity, in the short, medium and long run, under the new conditions of globalization and assertion of knowledge-based society. The notion of “research evaluation” is approached in the broader context of strategic management, where the process of financing and evaluating costs and RDI results are primary elements. The strategic dimension of research management consists in a series of priorities within various time horizons. Strategic research management interferes with the other components of the national economic and social development programs, with the opportunities offered by the European Research Area and other bilateral and multilateral forms of collaboration with other non-member countries.
Keywords: evaluation, research-development-innovation, evaluation methods, strategic management
Cite this article: Margareta Stela Florescu, Alina Valentina Din. EVALUATION OF RESEARCH-DEVELOPMENT-INNOVATION IN THE CONTEXT OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 419-430 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000949/
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