Şenay Karabiyik, Sinan Eti, Turgut Yeşiloğlu
Pages: 451-459
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,259
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Abstract: Non-astringent persimmon production is increasing due to its ease of consumption. However, fruit set of persimmon contends excessive fruit drops and often cannot show its real performance. This study aimed to determine the effects of pollination on fruit set and fruit quality such as; fruit weight, seed number and seedless-fruit ratio in some non-astringent persimmon cultivars. In this study ‘Fuyu’, ‘Giant Fuyu’ and ‘O’Gosho’ were used as main cultivars. Non-pollination (bagging), open- and controlled-pollinations with ‘Bruniquel’, ‘Ghora Gali’, ‘Mandarino’ and ‘Mercatelli’ were investigated for determining the effects of pollination. As a result, using pollinizer, especially ‘Ghora Gali’, increased fruit set up to 79.9% in ‘Fuyu’, 49.0% in ‘Giant Fuyu’ and 55.3% in ‘O’Gosho’. Seedless fruit ratio showed that, ‘Fuyu’ and ‘O’Gosho’ has tendency to form parthenocarpic fruits while ‘Giant Fuyu’ needs pollination in order to set fruit. But, for a better fruit set there must be pollinizer in the orchard.
Keywords: controlled-pollination, diospyros kaki l., fruit drop, non-pollination, parthenocarpy
Cite this article: Şenay Karabiyik, Sinan Eti, Turgut Yeşiloğlu. ROLE OF POLLINATION ON INCREASING FRUIT SET LEVEL IN SOME NONASTRINGENT PERSIMMON CULTIVARS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 451-459 (2016).
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