U. Okpanachi, S. Attah, B. O. Oyewole
Pages: 530-536
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,123
Downloads: 448
Abstract: This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of two varieties of dried cashew pulp on in vitro fermentation parameters and volume of in vitro gas produced at different incubation time. Pulps of yellow and red cashew varieties were obtained from Anyigba and its environs. Methane production was estimated. Rumen fluid was collected from goats before their morning feeding using suction tube. Incubation was done using 120ml calibrated transparent glass syringes fitted with silicon tube. Metabolizable energy (MJ/Kg) and organic matter digestibility were estimated and short chain fatty acids were calculated using 24 hours post incubation. In vitro gas production parameters measured were: first gas (a), potential gas production (b), potential degradable fractions (a+b), rate of gas production (c), organic matter digestibility (OMD), metabolisable energy (ME), short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), methane (CH4) production and in vitro gas production at 24 hours (IVGP). Results showed that in vitro gas production for 3 and 6 hours incubation periods for red sun-dried cashew pulp meal were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those for yellow sun-dried cashew pulp meal. The value of sun-dried red cashew pulp meal for first gas was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than yellow cashew pulp. Metabolisable energy, OMD, potential gas production and methane production of the sun-dried yellow cashew pulp meal were significantly higher (P<0.05/P< 0.01). Overall result showed that the yellow cashew pulp meal was richer than the red variety.
Keywords: red cashew variety, yellow cashew variety, in vitro fermentation, gas, incubation time
Cite this article: U. Okpanachi, S. Attah, B. O. Oyewole. EFFECTS OF VARIETIES OF DRIED CASHEW PULP ON IN VITRO FERMENTATION PARAMETERS AND VOLUME OF GAS PRODUCED AT DIFFERENT INCUBATION TIME. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 530-536 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001068/
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