Tulemissova Zhanara, Serikbayeva Assiya, Kassenova Gulmira, Kozhakhmetova Zubaira
Pages: 639-645
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,218
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Abstract: In Kazakhstan, there is a wide variety of traditional fermented products based on camel and horse milk (kumiss, shubat, etc). However, their production is still based on artisanal practices and the strains used in the production are usually not characterized. Existing dairy starter cultures have been developed mainly for cow’s milk and are not optimal for the fermentation of milk obtained from other species. Dairy farming is based on the production of camel, mare's milk; it has a long history and tradition in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fermentation using lactic acid bacteria is the basis of the preparation of foods such as an ayran, shubat and is a traditional way to preserve milk and improve its healthy and nutritional properties. In developed countries, the modern dairy industry based on certain microbial cultures used in the production of fermented milk products, manufacturing technology which is designed primarily for cow's milk. Therefore, despite the great economic potential of fermented products based on camel, mare and goat milk in the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of production on an industrial scale, it is constrained by the lack of suitable starter cultures and dairy technology specifically designed for these types of milk.
Keywords: lactic acid bacteria, camel milk, goat milk, mare milk, starter
Cite this article: Tulemissova Zhanara, Serikbayeva Assiya, Kassenova Gulmira, Kozhakhmetova Zubaira. SELECTION OF STARTER CULTURES FOR THE FERMENTATION OF MARE, CAMEL AND GOAT MILK. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 639-645 (2016).
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