Jelena Marinković, Dragana Bjelić, Branislava Tintor, Vojin Đukić, Svetlana Balešević-Tubić, Duško Marinković, Marija Cvijanović
Pages: 27-35
Published: 7 Jun 2016
Views: 2,228
Downloads: 549
Abstract: The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of strains Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bacillus sp. on length and dry weight of soybean plants. Moreover, the strains were tested for their ability to produce indole-3-acetic acid and perform phosphate solubilization. The trial was established under semi-controlled conditions. Inoculation of soybean with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bacillus sp. increased height and dry weight of the aboveground parts and root of soybean plants. Most variants in which a mixture of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bacillus sp. was applied, resulted in significant increase in plant length and higher dry weight of the aboveground parts, compared to variants in which these bacterial strains were applied as single-component inoculants. Results for length and dry weight of the aboveground parts were lowest in uninoculated plants.
Keywords: inoculation, plant dry weight, plant length, soybean
Cite this article: Jelena Marinković, Dragana Bjelić, Branislava Tintor, Vojin Đukić, Svetlana Balešević-Tubić, Duško Marinković, Marija Cvijanović. ENHANCED SOYBEAN PLANT GROWTH BY INOCULATION WITH BRADYRHIZOBIUM JAPONICUM AND BACILLUS SP.. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 27-35 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001085/
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