Adele Vaideliene, Daiva Rimkuviene
Pages: 52-62
Published: 7 Jun 2016
Views: 2,684
Downloads: 581
Abstract: This paper deals with physics of water aeration. Because water aeration highly influences the process of polluted water treatment as well as the process of water self-purification it becomes an important factor determining the amount of air entrained in the water. Falling water flow produces air bubbles and water droplets mixture in the air-water interface. This mixture develops in the course of time. A new method for determination of the amount of air entrained in the water was presented. The method was based on digital image processing. The method allows determination of the dynamics of air entrainment depending on several parameters of the nozzle as well as on the height of falling water flow.
Keywords: water, aeration, bubbles, droplets, mixing, diffusion, layers
Cite this article: Adele Vaideliene, Daiva Rimkuviene. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF AERATION PHENOMENON IN THE AIR-WATER INTERFACE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 52-62 (2016).
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