Viliam Bárek, Ján Horák, Alan Klimaj
Pages: 175-182
Published: 1 Jul 2016
Views: 2,085
Downloads: 513
Abstract: The future of the primary agricultural production relies on the responses to enhanced changes of climatic factors associated with the global warming and greenhouse effect by releasing the new genotypes, more tolerant to drought, extreme temperatures, low nutrient content, changes in population density and pathogenicity of pests and diseases. The co-occurring phenomena, such as aridization or fluctuation of precipitation in the particular area would be probably present even in the Slovak conditions. It appears that not only the systematic change of the long-term mean temperature and precipitation compared to long-time average level, but also the diurnal and seasonal variability and frequency of weather fluctuations or extreme days would play an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to draw attention in advance to possible consequences and possibilities to optimize the production process. There is a need of specification of effects of weather fluctuations on the regulation of growth-production factors as well as the importance of a special gene expression needed to crop tolerance or resistance or running the protection mechanisms. Our experiment showed that introduction of multi-parametric approaches is useful for a deeper comprehension of interactions in the system soil - plant - atmosphere, as well as for manipulation of these interactions in all their components. Thus, it will lead to a more dynamic understanding of this interaction and to the production of new genotype constructs.
Keywords: dendrometer, precipitation, above-average high temperatures, diameter changes
Cite this article: Viliam Bárek, Ján Horák, Alan Klimaj. VOLUME CHANGES OF OVERGROUND PARTS OF THE PLANTS AS AN EXPRESSION OF WATER STRESS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 175-182 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001139/
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