Tatiana S. Ilkova, Mitko M. Petrov
Pages: 455-467
Published: 11 Jul 2016
Views: 2,123
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Abstract: This paper presents an application of a method for multicriteria decision making, namely InterCriteria Analysis (ICrA). The ICrA method gives possibility to compare some criteria or estimated by them objects. There we have applied this method to create а structural identification of а mathematical model of a whey fermentation process. The process is for production of unicellular protein by whey by the strain Kluyweromyces marxianus var. lactis MC 5. We have established the relation between the basic criteria (kinetic variable and coefficients): biomass, lactose, oxygen, flow rate, specific growth rate from lactose and oxygen, specific consumption rate for lactose, specific consumption rate for oxygen, yield coefficient for formation of biomass from lactose and yield coefficient for formation of biomass from oxygen with ICrA. With the founded relations between them, obtainet with ICrA, and the biochemical kinetic laws we have developed a mathematical model of the process.
Keywords: intercriteria analysis, kluyweromyces marxianus var. lactis mc 5, fed-batch process, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, index matrices
Cite this article: Tatiana S. Ilkova, Mitko M. Petrov. INTERCRITERIA ANALYSIS FOR MODELLING OF PROCESS FOR THE UNICELLULAR PROTEIN PRODUCTION FOR TRAINING PEOPLE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 455-467 (2016).
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