Ilona Cserháti, Tibor Keresztély
Pages: 123-131
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 2,043
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Abstract: Income inequality has been rising in the last decades. It is generally measured on micro-level by income surveys, but the richest 1% is partly missing from the survey samples. We used the Hungarian tax database for calculating ‘macro-level’ income distribution and the share of the top 1% for 2010-2014. We aligned the original EU-SILC questionnaire database, and compared the original and the updated inequality measures. We analysed the effects of the integration, with special regard to the role of the top 1%.
Keywords: income inequality, microsimulation, taxation
Cite this article: Ilona Cserháti, Tibor Keresztély. MEASURING MACRO-LEVEL INEQUALITY: THE ROLE OF THE TOP 1%. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 123-131 (2016).
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