Cristina Bianca Pocol, Călin Moldovan-Teselios
Pages: 314-321
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 1,934
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Abstract: This paper focuses on the relationship between unemployment and migration, but also on the effects of demographic structure of the active population on these social phenomena in Romania, between 2010 and 2014. The analysis of panel data was the research method used in order to highlight the association between registered unemployment and departure from the domicile, including external migration. The data was provided by the National Institute of Statistics, both for urban and rural areas. The results of the statistical analysis show that unemployment and migration fluctuated in the period under study. Differences between rural and urban area were registered mostly in the case of unemployment, the rural space being more affected by the lack of jobs. It is also found that, before the economic crisis, the unemployment was the strongest motivation for changing the domicile for the majority of migrants, but after the crisis, the unemployment was associated with a cohort attitude, a generation trend and a peer group.
Keywords: labor force, factors, unemployment, young people, mobility, residence
Cite this article: Cristina Bianca Pocol, Călin Moldovan-Teselios. UNEMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS: EVIDENCE FROM ROMANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 314-321 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001242/
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