Virginia Zhelyazkova
Pages: 322-331
Published: 28 Aug 2016
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Abstract: The importance of eco-efficiency has been gaining momentum for the last years. This concept crystalized in the 1990s as a result of multi-layer and multi-aspect tendencies that were taking place in different parts of the world since the beginning of the 1960s. The major step which has been done is reaching the point of wide societal consensus that if quality of life and economic output is to continue to grow, ways need to be found that the economies produce more with less. This is the kernel of the eco-efficiency concept. In order progress to be made towards it, however, pertinent indicators need to be identified and supported both at organizational and at county level. The current paper aims at presenting the concept of eco-efficiency and some of the widely used indicators to date – those defined during the Round Table on Eco-efficiency organized by the Government of Canada, the ones proposed by the UNESCAP and the ones put forward by Muller and Strum. After that their applicability is being discussed in view of their practical usage.
Keywords: eco-efficiency, eco-efficiency indicators, circular economy
Cite this article: Virginia Zhelyazkova. ECO-EFFICIENCY INDICATORS: CONCEPT, TYPES AND APPLICABILITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 322-331 (2016).
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