Sinem Yapar Saçik, Onur Ceylan
Pages: 482-490
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 1,853
Downloads: 558
Abstract: The concept of middle income trap is a notable issue in terms of economies especially for countries which are in middle income economy group. Some dynamics make countries remain at middle income level for a long period. Observation of slower growth rates in Turkey compared to previous years notably after the 2008 crisis created concerns about Turkey whether the country is in the middle income trap. In the framework of information above, the purpose of this study is to help to uncover the question whether the economy of Turkey is in middle income trap. In this context - dynamics that are evaluated as signs of middle income trap will be observed and interpreted to determine the issue and various studies reflecting different results will be examined.
Keywords: middle income, turkey
Cite this article: Sinem Yapar Saçik, Onur Ceylan. MIDDLE INCOME TRAP: CASE OF TURKEY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 482-490 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001259/
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