Dimitrina Kaneva, Fredrick Agboma
Pages: 19-33
Published: 22 Sep 2016
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Abstract: Differentiation is discussed as a teaching and learning strategy used to enable and encourage better educational outcomes in the Higher Education context. As we examine differentiation within our practice in Early Childhood Studies and Business Studies, we take into consideration factors such as stage of learning, institutional structure and student characteristics. The aims of this paper are to explore the individual differentiation practices within the two disciplinary areas through personal reflection; to explore the opportunities and limitations to differentiated practices in the HE context, specifically from the point of view of students; and to compare the views from two different academic disciplines in order to highlight similarities, differences and good practice. This is achieved in semi-structured interviews with students in their final year who reflect on their learning journeys in a widening participation university.
Keywords: differentiation, teaching and learning, students as individuals, widening participation
Cite this article: Dimitrina Kaneva, Fredrick Agboma. DIFFERENTIATION IN EDUCATION – OPPORTUNITIES AND LIMITATIONS IN A WIDENING PARTICIPATION HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 19-33 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001270/
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