Toshiya Kobayashi
Pages: 367-373
Published: 25 Sep 2016
Views: 1,948
Downloads: 463
Abstract: In the spring of 2014, a research fraud case by a young researcher (STAP cell scandal) was uncovered in Japan, and a scientific research institution’s authority was greatly damaged. In response to such frequent occurrences in Japan over this past decade, the Japanese government implemented anti-fraud measures in 2014. Consequently, research ethics education has been enhanced at Japan’s graduate schools since April 2015. The e-learning program in use is effective in teaching graduate students concrete knowledge about research ethics within a relatively short time frame. However, it is in the format of short test quizzes and is considered insufficient for voluntarily learning of ethics. As a voluntary learning means, advanced researchers in Japan believe that science communication activities are important. The activities make it possible to instill and foster ethics that e-learning cannot cover. Kyushu University actually provides education that adopts science communication. This paper introduces details of the activities.
Keywords: research fraud, research ethics, science and technology communication activities, graduate education in japan
Cite this article: Toshiya Kobayashi. CASES OF RESEARCH ETHICS EDUCATION AT GRADUATE SCHOOLS IN JAPAN - KYUSHU UNIVERSITY’S CASE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 367-373 (2016).
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