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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
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Educational Alternatives, Volume 14, 2016

Alica Vančová, Margaréta Osvaldová
Pages: 398-417
Published: 25 Sep 2016
Views: 1,934
Downloads: 393
Abstract: Individuals with cerebral palsy are characteristic for speech disturbances. It is indicated that brain centres controlling speech and understanding of speech lie close to the primary motor cortex and in the area of cerebral cortex that happen to be the most affected especially in case of quadriparetic form of cerebral palsy. In case of dyskinetic cerebral palsy, speech disturbances are caused by incoordination of muscle groups due to dyskinesia. Therefore in this group of children it is very important to pursue musical intervention using purposeful vocal and technical exercises, song repertory enabling solving a certain breathing, vocal and articulation problem. Apart from having a way to cultivate speech, it is necessary to point out how adequate vocal exercises may be used creatively when establishing the correct vocal and singing habits of individuals with cerebral palsy. Persons with cerebral palsy have their ability to perceive rhythm and its periodicity preserved. The speed of creating regular movements differs and represents their own tempo. Musical rhythm that stimulates, accompanies and regulates physical movements represent a great help in physical therapeutic performances. Musical and rhythmical activities bring them to realise the intimacy of their being, know the obstacles imposed by their own body and the effort it takes to cope with individual movement elements, develop the sense for balance, distance estimation and to adapt their movements and gestures to the dimensions and share of space. The aim of this work is to present the possibilities for applying complex music therapy with individuals affected by cerebral palsy.
Keywords: cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, neuromuscular coordination, muscle and joint strengthening, kinetic muscle control, coordination, flexibility, muscle
Cite this article: Alica Vančová, Margaréta Osvaldová. DIMENSION OF MUSIC THERAPY IN REHABILITATION OF PERSONS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 398-417 (2016).
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