Antoaneta A. Angelacheva
Pages: 437-446
Published: 25 Sep 2016
Views: 1,816
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Abstract: This article presents author’s version of criterion-oriented test for measurement of three properties which characterize the training of students in chemistry – knowledge, skills and attitudes towards the problem to ensure the quality of drinking water. The qualities – difficulty, discriminative power and reliability of the constructed test, are determined by testing it among a sample of students in 10th grade. The results of statistical processing of empirical data give the confidence that the overall set of tasks are reliable means for diagnostics of the training of students in chemistry.
Keywords: chemistry education, analysis of drinking water, criterion-oriented test, difficulty, discriminative power and reliability of the test
Cite this article: Antoaneta A. Angelacheva. RESULTS OF THE TEST APPROBATION "DRINKING WATER" IN TEACHING CHEMISTRY (10TH GRADE). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 437-446 (2016).
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