Natasha Ivanova, Severina Ivanova
Pages: 633-640
Published: 22 Dec 2016
Views: 1,728
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Abstract: The transition of young people from high school students to university students can be a rather stressful phase in their life. Initiating joint activities between high school and university would reduce this stress. A description of such an activity and its results is subject of this article. Physics laboratory classes have been conducted with the 10th grade students from Dr. Petar Beron High School of Mathematics in Varna, Bulgaria. The exercises took place in the physics and biophysics laboratory of Varna Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov”. They were supervised by the author of this article, who is also assistant-professor at the university. The university lab equipment was used for the purposes of the classes.
Keywords: students, high school, university, education, activity
Cite this article: Natasha Ivanova, Severina Ivanova. AN EXAMPLE OF INTERACTION BETWEEN HIGH SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 633-640 (2016).
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