Natasha Ivanova, Severina Ivanova
Pages: 515-523
Published: 23 Dec 2016
Views: 1,970
Downloads: 282
Abstract: After the great discovery of Henri Becquerel, the term "radiation" begins to acquire meaning. Since that time (nearly a century ago) the perception for radiation oscillated between extremely negative and extremely positive. Today, we are aware that the radiation can be harmful but also it can be extremely useful. Enjoying the benefits, provided by the radiation, we must be informed, attentive and disciplined. Otherwise the radiation can lead to disastrous consequences.
Keywords: radiation, incident, safety, measures
Cite this article: Natasha Ivanova, Severina Ivanova. RADIATION INCIDENT IN “POLIMERI” DEVNYA, ACTIONS AND SAFETY MEASURES: A CASE STUDY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 515-523 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001345/
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