Şebnem Erkebay, Cem Erkebay, Arzu Morkoyunlu Yüce
Pages: 402-407
Published: 8 Jul 2017
Views: 1,855
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Abstract: The rapid increase in the population has visibly affected the amount of household waste water. The discharge of household waste water into the sea has been used as an elimination method for many years. Deep sea discharge systems have been accepted as a more effective method in recent years. The aim of this study is to examine the efficiency of this method. The turbidity values obtained in the studies conducted in Trabzon province Söğütlü region of Turkey in 5 years interval were compared. Initial measurements in this area were provided by single pipe but 5 years later the diffuser system was employed. In measurements made in October, February and April, it was observed that the turbidity values at the outlet of the pipe decreased as the current values were taken into account, but the turbidity values increased when get close to the shore.
Keywords: deep sea discharge, turbidity, water pollution
Cite this article: Şebnem Erkebay, Cem Erkebay, Arzu Morkoyunlu Yüce. DEEP SEA DISCHARGE SYSTEM TURBIDITY COMPARISON OVER TIME. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 402-407 (2017).
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