José Ferreira, Luisa Cruz-Lopes, Bruno Esteves, Idalina Domingos
Pages: 94-101
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,594
Downloads: 381
Abstract: Portugal has historically been a big wine producer. It produced 7 million hectoliters of wine in 2015-16 campaign, generating 24.5 million kg of grape stalks that can be used for Bioenergy. The aim of this study was to quantify the potential environmental impacts associated with grape stalks when they are used as fuel in a furnace to produce heat and identify the “hotspots”, using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The method chosen for environmental impact assessment was CML-IA baseline V3.04 available in the software SimaPro8.3.0. The results show that heat production from pellets made with grape stalks is more environmentally harmful in terms of “marine aquatic ecotoxicity” and it is due to electricity mainly used in the “pellets production” and “heat production” processes. Electricity use is the “hotspot” presenting a great potential for environmental improvement of the product system.
Keywords: bioenergy, grape stalks, lca, pellets, pine wood
Cite this article: José Ferreira, Luisa Cruz-Lopes, Bruno Esteves, Idalina Domingos. ENERGETIC VALORIZATION OF GRAPE STALKS: AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS THROUGH LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 94-101 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001398/
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