Anca Oancea, Alexandra Gaspar, Ana-Maria Seciu, Laura Mihaela Stefan, Elena Utoiu, Lucia Moldovan, Danut Turcu, Dumitru Cristinel Badiu, Oana Craciune
Pages: 166-177
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,838
Downloads: 256
Abstract: We have obtained cabbage as functional food with high content of chemopreventive compounds by treatment with a new plant biostimulant mixture containing selenium salt, betaine and spraying adjuvants. Such treatment determined an increased accumulation of selenium in cabbage plants, while maintaining a high content of glucosinolates. We have studied the in vitro antitumoral effect of selenium biofortified cabbage extracts using a tumor cell line and we observed a significant inhibition of cell proliferation, after 72 h of in cultivation. We did not observe modifications on the health status of laboratory rabbits fed with cabbage treated with the selenium-based biocomposition.
Keywords: brassica oleracea, water stressed plants, selenium-based composition, sulforaphane, hplc, in vitro antitumoral activity
Cite this article: Anca Oancea, Alexandra Gaspar, Ana-Maria Seciu, Laura Mihaela Stefan, Elena Utoiu, Lucia Moldovan, Danut Turcu, Dumitru Cristinel Badiu, Oana Craciune. ENHANCEMENT OF CHEMOPREVENTIVE COMPOUNDS CONTENT IN CABBAGE BY TREATMENT WITH A SELENIUM BASED PLANT BIOSTIMULANT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 166-177 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001406/
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