Slobodan Cerović, Branislava Gološin, Sandra Bijelić, Borivoje Bogdanović
Pages: 202-216
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,920
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Abstract: Most parts of the western Balkans have favourable climate and soil conditions for walnut growing. In this area, the walnut was mostly propagated generatively, which led to the fact that every tree is a special genotype. The walnut population is extremely heterogeneous and it showed a great variability in a nut size and weight, kernel percentage, kernel color, the time of leaf bud burst, male and female flowering, duration of a vegetative period, yield, resistance to Gnomonia leptostyla and Xantomonas juglandis, etc. At the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, the study of walnut population started in the 1950s. UPOV descriptors were used for the analysis of the walnut population. This research has resulted in the selection of a number of walnut selections and five walnut varieties (Sampion, Srem, Tisa, Backa, Mire). Some characteristics of these varieties and eleven promising selections – candidates for varieties - are given.
Keywords: walnut, western balkans, biodiversity, genotype, selection, variety
Cite this article: Slobodan Cerović, Branislava Gološin, Sandra Bijelić, Borivoje Bogdanović. WALNUT BIODIVERSITY IN THE WESTERN BALKANS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 202-216 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001410/
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