Erika Quendler, Michaela Glatzl, Johannes Mayr
Pages: 226-237
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,679
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Abstract: Since working on the farm and family life are combined, the role of female farmers is a complex one with many facets. Female farmers may be called upon to play a number of roles, e.g. working both on and off the farm as well as, 'traditionally', undertaking housework, caregiving or parental duties. This paper offers first hand reflections on the nature of female farmers’ work in Austria both on and off the farm based on data selected from a survey done in 2016. This paper re-affirms that female farmers play an essential role in agriculture and community activities in rural areas.
Keywords: female farmers, working conditions, working life, austria
Cite this article: Erika Quendler, Michaela Glatzl, Johannes Mayr. FEMALE FARMERS' WORK BOTH ON AND OFF THE FARM IN AUSTRIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 226-237 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001412/
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