Hung Duc Bui, Thu Thi Trinh
Pages: 421-429
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,774
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Abstract: The ‘behavioural approach’ in rural studies focusing on the motives, values and attitudes that determine the decision-making processes of individual farmers has become increasingly important in the investigation of farmer response to policy initiatives. Research on motives and factors affecting farmer’s behaviors in using any types of fertilizers in terms of organic, inorganic or green technology in order to improve agricultural productivity has not been fully addressed yet. This paper particularly aims to address the adopting inorganic fertilizer among paddy farmers in two provinces in southern central areas in Viet Nam through the structured-questionnaires to 204 farm households. Findings indicated that farm size, motives of crop cultivation, adoption of”3 Decrease- 3 Increase” technology in rice production and gender of principal farm operator are 4 key components affecting the usage of inorganic fertilizers of farmers. Policy implications are recommended which highlighted the emphasis on model of “3 decreases 3 increases”, land consolidation and plot exchange program. Critical discussions on agricultural productivity, the environmental concerns for the sustainable agricultural practices amongst paddy farmers were given as possible solutions for the Vietnamese green agriculture.
Keywords: inorganic fertilizer, rice cultivation, vietnam
Cite this article: Hung Duc Bui, Thu Thi Trinh. RETHINKING ABOUT DETERMINANTS OF INORGANIC FERTILIZER USE IN VIETNAM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 421-429 (2017).
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