B. Podkościelna, K. Fila, A. Bartnicki, M. Gil, G. Demirci
Pages: 38-45
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 1,805
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Abstract: In this study structure and polymerization methacrylic derivative of thiophenol (PSM) was presented. This compound was obtained in the reaction thiophenol with methacryloyl chloride in ice bath. The obtained PSM was purified on chromatographic column. Chemical structure of the monomer was confirmed by ATR/FT-IR and 1HNMR spectroscopy. Next, bulk polymerization of PSM with styrene (St) was performed. The influence on thiol monomer on the physico-chemical properties e.g. thermal (DSC) of the obtained linear copolymers was evaluated.
Keywords: thiophenol, dimethacrylate derivatives, copolymers, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, thermal properties
Cite this article: B. Podkościelna, K. Fila, A. Bartnicki, M. Gil, G. Demirci. METHACRYLIC DERIVATIVE OF THIOPHENOL – STRUCTURE AND POLYMERIZATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 38-45 (2017).
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