János Varga, Ágnes Csiszárik-Kocsir
Pages: 359-366
Published: 22 Aug 2017
Views: 1,610
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Abstract: Both the countries and the multinational companies get in contact with each other in many ways during the development of the world economy. You have to consider the alternative of becoming multinational if the domestic markets don’t provide enough opportunities for the company to expand or if the conditions of the economy are inappropriate. Today it’s the accomplishment of this process that makes the backbone of the economic globalization. The globalisation and being multinational can only be advantageous for every participant of the world economy, if their advantages are unambiguously perceptible for both parties. A multinational company must cooperate with the domestic participants in order to improve the country’s economic situation, so it can help its own development more too. This way of thinking should be organically built into the international strategies, and we need a kind of economic activity, with which the situation can be more beneficial for both parties. This study is dealing with the strategic questions of becoming international. Principally it’s looking for the answer for what kind of challenges a multinational company has to face on the markets of the Hungarian economy, and why is it so important to build a better organizational culture and why the intercultural culture is the key!
Keywords: international management, competitiveness, intercultural management
Cite this article: János Varga, Ágnes Csiszárik-Kocsir. THE HARMONY OF INTERESTS AND THE STRATEGIC BEHAVIOUR EXPECTED FROM MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 359-366 (2017).
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