Jane Jackson
Pages: 1-12
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,873
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Abstract: This article centers on a research-based, fully online course that has been created to maximise the intercultural learning and engagement of international exchange students while they are in the host country. Guided critical reflection and meaning-making are core elements in this interactive intercultural intervention. After providing an overview of the theoretical and pedagogical foundation, the remainder of the paper focuses on an evaluative, mixed-method case study of one of the offerings. The findings draw attention to the challenges and benefits of designing and implementing a course of this nature, and suggest aspects to improve in subsequent offerings. The case study highlights the constructive impact that eLearning and intercultural mentoring can have on international educational experience.
Keywords: study abroad, elearning, intercultural education, mentoring, critical reflection
Cite this article: Jane Jackson. ELEARNING AND INTERCULTURAL PEDAGOGY: MAXIMISING STUDY ABROAD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 1-12 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001556/
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