Amina Ovcina Cajacob, Yvonne Herzig Gainsford
Pages: 25-37
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,989
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Abstract: The shortage of young STEM scientists is a major social problem. Seemingly STEM careers are not particularly worthwhile for young people. As has been demonstrated in the study “STEM – Engineering careers in the Media”, funded by the Gebert Rüf Foundation, one of the reasons for this is the complexity which this topic is presented in the media. The current preferences in media usage by the target group would tend to encourage an entertaining and emotional mediation of the STEM topics via suitable me-dia. This publication is a continuation of the STEM study, again financed by the Gebert Rüf Foundation. It examines which video formats are particularly suitable for bringing STEM themes to young people, which aspects are of importance in a video message, and which are relevant design elements. To answer these questions, a laboratory experiment was carried out upon 120 test subjects, who had to evaluate seven different videos.
Keywords: stem, engineering careers, young people, media usage, videos, laboratory experiment
Cite this article: Amina Ovcina Cajacob, Yvonne Herzig Gainsford. SCIENCEMOTION: OR WHEN TECHNOLOGY DISPLAYS FEELINGS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 25-37 (2017).
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