Masahisa Shinoda, Keita Nishioka, Akiomi Mishima
Pages: 38-47
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,800
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Abstract: Improvement and investigation about a quality of both product and process of each project in university is introduced. Project subjects are proposed and proceeded by students. The progress of each project is checked and managed regularly by teaching staff. The method of project management well known as PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), that is widely used in business world, is tried to apply into the projects to improve these quality of both product and process. From these activities, the attempt to construct and systematize the method of project management that is optimum for education in university is described.
Keywords: project management, coaching, project activities, design, manufacturing, pmbok
Cite this article: Masahisa Shinoda, Keita Nishioka, Akiomi Mishima. SYSTEMATIZATION OF THE METHOD OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR EDUCATION IN UNIVERSITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 38-47 (2017).
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