Rasa Kirliauskienė
Pages: 100-107
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,487
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Abstract: Each teacher perceives the emotional experiences characteristic of being in front of the audience. However, not only good speaking skills are relevant for a future music teacher, managing the musical skills, which occur while performing is also significant. Music teaching profession is attributed to professions with greater degree of emotional tension, because it is constantly accompanied by concerts, causing varying degrees of mental stress. Thus, self-regulation is very important in future music teachers’ training.
Keywords: future music teacher’s training, stage fright, self-regulation
Cite this article: Rasa Kirliauskienė. SELF-REGULATION PECULIARITIES OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 100-107 (2017).
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