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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 15, 2017

Caner Aladağ, Baştürk Kaya
Pages: 228-235
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,627
Downloads: 225
Abstract: In this study, the answers given for the key concept of "natural disaster” by the 9th grade high school students were evaluated and their opinions were tried to be revealed. Qualitative research method and case study pattern from qualitative research approaches were used in this study. The data were obtained with the participation of a total of 35 9th-grade high school students. Free word association test was used to collect the data. The obtained data were subjected to content analysis; similar answer words were brought together and categories were created. Repeated words are given in the text under the relevant category. After the obtained data about the key concept was examined, 5 categories were formed by using the answer words. These categories are named as "disaster types", "institutions and organizations working during a disaster",” the relationship between disaster and human ", " the definition of the disaster" and "other concepts". According to the results of the study, it was observed that the students had a certain level of information about natural disasters, but there were some lack of information on some issues. Most of the sentences they wrote about natural disasters contain scientific and academic information, but there are also some sentences containing superficial information and misconceptions.
Keywords: high school students, natural disasters, word association test, students’ views
Cite this article: Caner Aladağ, Baştürk Kaya. DETERMINING THE VIEWS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ABOUT NATURAL DISASTERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 228-235 (2017).
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