Nesrin Özdener Dönmez, Aliye Saraç, Zeynep Taçgın
Pages: 371-378
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,668
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the thesis prepared in Computer and Educational Technologies field in terms of method and to determine what sort of data gathering tools were preferred and how open the method is indicated. Also, document analysis method was used in order to analyze the studies. In this context, 29 of 58 postgraduate thesis employing qualitative research have been analyzed by two researchers. Cohen’s Kappa (κ = 0.75; p= .00) coefficient was calculated for determining the coherence between the appraisals made by both researchers and coherence percentage was determined as 85%. The result of this study shows that the research methodology of qualitative thesis (16/29) has not been clearly defined. Besides, the qualitative methods are generally used to augment and verify preciseness and accuracy of quantitative information. Moreover, data gathering methods and tools of the examined qualitative thesis have been compared. Camera and audio recording are the most preferred tools. This situation could be related with the semi-structured interview ratio in these thesis. The results indicate that, the methodology of qualitative researches have to be determined correctly and precisely by researchers, Also, the data gathering methods and tools of these studies should be enhanced via their methodology.
Keywords: qualitative research, methodology, data gathering tools, computer and instructional technologies
Cite this article: Nesrin Özdener Dönmez, Aliye Saraç, Zeynep Taçgın. ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE METHODS USED IN COMPUTER AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES FIELD POSTGRADUATE THESIS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 371-378 (2017).
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