A. P. Buslaev, A. S. Dotkulova, M. V. Yashinа
Pages: 412-428
Published: 29 Sep 2017
Views: 1,545
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Abstract: Russian education has deep historical traditions and over the last decade entered the Bologna process. Since year 2006 MADI teaches bachelors and masters the course of “Mathematical and computer modelling of complex social-and-technical systems” in automobile field. The main themes of the diploma projects are traffic flows, traffic networks, transport logistics and infrastructure. It turned out that mathematical methods of studying traffic networks are closely connected with the researches of structure of matter and new materials of metabolic process in pharmacology and biology, genetic codes, infocommunication networks, parallel and distributed processing. There is a method of testing knowledge, which make students ranking using automatic questions generation and create a new platform using Russian traditions of Mathematics and modern researches.
Keywords: mathematics, education, education process, bologna process, information revolution, test system
Cite this article: A. P. Buslaev, A. S. Dotkulova, M. V. Yashinа. MATHEMATICS AND EDUCATION PROBLEMS OF TRANSPORT MODELING IN COMPLEX SOCIO-TECHNICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 412-428 (2017).
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